Parkinson’s home care

Parkinson’s Home Care for Seniors

There are multiple stages in Parkinson’s Disease. As the disease progresses, there may be changes in health conditions and managing personal activities may become difficult. Eventually, it may reach a point where constant care and support are needed.

Don’t worry, Assured Home Nursing is here to help! Parkinson’s Home Care is our specialized home care service. With our caregiver’s support, your loved ones can remain healthy, safe and secured in the comfort of their home.

To book an appointment, speak to our RNs at (248) 593-8134

What is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder where the affected person can gradually lose muscle control. Symptoms also include tremors, changes in speech, muscle rigidity, and gait. This disorder is generally observed in the elderly. In some, the disease can remain in stage one for years, while it can advance faster for others.

Assured Home Nursing’s Parkinson’s Home Care

At Assured Home Nursing, every care plan is designed to uplift the health of your loved ones. We understand how the advancement in the disease results in changes to the body and dependency. Considering all the factors, our caregivers strive to become the helping hand to enhance the quality of living of our clients.

Some of the key responsibilities of caregivers include:

  • Transportation Assistance
  • Meal preparation
  • Guidance for healthy diet plan
  • Activites of daily living
  • Medication, etc.

Parkinson’s disease is progressive, but the symptoms can be controlled when your loved ones have their medications on time and follow a healthy lifestyle. These can be achieved by our caregiver’s assistance.

Speak to our registered nurse today to know more about our home nursing services. Call at (248) 593-8134

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of care do you provide for a Parkinson’s Patient?  

Parkinson’s is a progressive disease, and its care depends on the changes in the person’s health conditions. Parkinson’s home care is a part of Assured Home Nursing’s specialized care plans. We understand and analyze the changes in the body of the individual and design a specific and comprehensive care plan based on their needs.  

How knowledgeable are your caregivers about Parkinson’s Disease? 

Our caregivers are trained, certified, and experienced to handle Parkinson’s symptoms in seniors with utmost care. They have a thorough knowledge of all the symptoms and can instantly observe behavior changes as the disease progresses. Moreover, our caregivers are well informed and trained to quickly adapt to progressing conditions.  

What are the ADLs you provide for a Parkinson’s Patient? 
  • Mobility support  
  • Vigilant about Freezing Episodes  
  • Home Safety  
  • Bathing, dressing, and grooming  
  • Toileting  
  • Meal Preparation  
  • Feeding  
  • Companionship  
  • Doctor Appointments 
What IADLs do you provide for a Parkinson’s Patient?  
  • Cleaning and housekeeping    
  • Doing laundry  
  • Managing medications 
  • Shopping for groceries and other necessities  
  • Transportation  
  • Using communication and smart devices  
What kind of changes do your caregivers adapt to as Parkinson's Disease progresses?  

Our caregivers are trained to always be attentive to observe the symptomatic and behavior changes in a person with progressing Parkinson’s Disease. Accordingly….   

  •  They adapt to the specific conditions and alter the care needs  
  •  They encourage your loved ones to complete their daily physical therapy exercises                          
  •  Provide hands-on assistance to those with significant mobility impairments  
  • Watchful for freezing episodes and take fall prevention steps   
  • Provide care adapting to the needs of loved ones   
  • Encourage them to do relaxing activities to relieve their stress
How long do you provide care for a Parkinson’s Patient?  

Parkinson’s is a progressive disease and a client’s care needs do change according to its stages. We try to focus on managing the symptoms with medications, physical therapies, a balanced diet, and alternative therapies. We can provide care for as long as your loved one needs our support.  

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